Game Conventions
Armor: Armor your character is wearing will reduce damage taken from attacks.
Aspect: Secondary attributes that are mathematically derived from your character’s Traits.
Attacks: A roll you make to see if your character succeeds in striking an enemy in combat.
Author’s Ink: A mystical substance that flows through the core of all things native to The Story. It can be collected to produce magical effects.
Awareness: This is how aware your character is of their surroundings in different situations.
Botch: When you roll double 1s for any check or attack, your character has botched the attempt and automatically fails.
Combat Action: Actions your character can take during combat. There are different types, organized by time and effort spent.
Damage: The amount of trauma inflicted upon a target with a successful attack.
Damage Reduction: The amount of damage you can ignore due to armor, magic, or abilities.
Defeat: When your character is Defeated, they are no longer able to act or continue fighting in any way. They are either knocked out, seriously wounded, or forced to retreat.
Edit Points: Points used to add Abilities, Spells, Focus Skills and other improvements to your Ikon. Abbreviated as BP.
Flair: A mental or emotional talent that improves your character.
Foible: A mental or emotional issue that troubles your character.
Ikon: An Ikon is the physical manifestation of the Reader inside the Story. Ikons are a combination of the Reader’s subconscious self image and the kind of hero The Story needs from the Reader.
Inkforged Weapon: Special magic weapons made by a combination of smithing and Scrivening that embeds Author’s Ink into the metal of a weapon.
Narrator: This is the player who is running the game, acting as referee for the action, and controlling all the non-player characters in The Story.
Natives: All the inhabitants of The Story that are not controlled by a player. They are generally handled by The Narrator.
Range: The distance measured to a target for an attack roll or skill check.
Rank: The numeric equivalent of a given die. Ranges from 0 (d4) to 6 (d20).
Rest: Time spent resting to recover lost Health.
Skill: Each skill is a combination of one Trait and one Skill Group. These define what your Ikon is capable of doing while they adventure in the Realm.
Skill Check: A roll you make to see if your character succeeds in a challenge to one of their skills.
Skill Group: A category of skills that you assign one of the 5 RPG dice to define your Ikon
Trait: The physical and mental makeup of your character is defined by their Traits.
Wound: Physical damage your character can suffer that moves you closer to Defeat.
Dice Conventions
The Defined by Dice dice system uses the 6 classic roleplaying dice: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20. Most rolls are made using a single die and modifying the roll with bonuses or penalties. In the case of Skill rolls (including attacks) two dice are rolled and the lower result is discarded. The higher roll is then modified with bonuses to obtain the final result.
Surging Dice
Rolling the max result on both dice (for example 8 and 6 on a d8 and d6) will give the player a Surge roll. This means the player gets to reroll the smaller die and add the result to the original larger die. Dice can only Surge once.
As with many roleplaying games, Inkforged requires the players to use basic math skills for creating their characters and determining the outcome of events in play. The following conventions are to be used:
Rounding Up
If you ever need to divide numbers to get a new value, the decimal (or fractional) result should be rounded up to the nearest whole number. For example 2.01 to 2.99 = 3.
Inforged uses a descriptive ranking system which translates into various values to be used during play. Most mechanical aspects of the game have 5 rankings of power